Dorset Cricket Society

Résumé of events 2014-15










Tony Lewis

Dr Tony Lewis is half of the famous Duckworth/Lewis partnership. Their method is used throughout the world to solve the problem of rain-affected cricket matches - in fact there are many other reasons why games are curtailed from riots to too much sun! After it was perceived that average run rates were an unfair method to decide target scores ( the side batting 1st can be seriously disadvantaged) a number of other methods were tried, including one where certain overs were removed from the equation. This led to the farcical situation in the World Cup in South Africa where the hosts went from needing 22 off 13 balls to 22 off 1 ball when a short rain break occurred Frank Duckworth devised a possible solution by allocating overs and wickets as resources which would get used up in an innings. Tony's contribution was on the mathematical side to devise a method which took account of the period in the game when overs were lost. Over the years the figures have been tweaked a little as there are often higher scores today and this is kept under regular review. In all it was a very interesting afternoon, without too much mathematics to tax the brain.




Andy Kent

Andy, a local schoolteacher, has also been a coach and team-manager for many representative youth teams. His first tour consisted of him and his father, both umpires, visiting Denmark and officiating in matches over there in the 1980's. This led on to him taking a team across to Denmark, to give them experience of different playing conditions. Andy also pointed out that there were more teams in Yorkshire than in the entire seven southwest counties. This meant that local lads were not exposed to as much competition and the tour was intended to raise the standard of their play. He has also taken tours to The Netherlands, Jersey and France, while further afield he has toured Canada and the Caribbean His first tour to the West Indies, some 20 years ago, included Trinidad, where he was alarmed to arrive at night and discover that the team transport was an open-backed army truck! Next day he visited the venue for the 1st match and found that the outfield had knee-high grass and there didn't appear to be a wicket! However 24 hours later the outfield had been cut by the villagers and the wicket was all prepared! Andy revealed that one squad member who they chose not to take to the Caribbean was Marcus Trescothick. The adults felt that they could not be in-loco parentis for him for two weeks, so far from home. As a retired teacher, I have great respect for these staff who take on such responsibilities.




Graham Jones

In this afternoon's entertainment Graham took examples of sporting humour from the 1960's through to the modern times. In a presentation of audio and video clips, we heard a variety of interviews and revisited some nostalgic sporting occasions ranging from rugby, the All Blacks v Barbarians, through cricketers sledging, to examples of the Ali Shuffle. At the end, there were several members with tears of laughter in their tea or coffee!




Mark Rushworth

Mark related to us his family's sporting legacy. His father, Peter, was a professional footballer who played for Bournemouth at the time of the famous 1956-7 FA Cup run. Initially Peter's chances of becoming a professional seemed remote. He was a pupil at Cheltenham Grammar School and was determined to succeed. However his slight frame and stature failed to bring him to the scouts attention at the time. Leaving school at 15, he became an apprentice and started an apprentices' football team, which became very successful. He finally got his break by pestering the local team's trainer to allow him to train with them and when the reserves were short one day, he was asked to play. In 1953 he had the choice of joining Southampton or Bournemouth. He went with Bournemouth and in the cup run played in the first two rounds. Mark's own career revolved around cricket and he played for several local sides and had a season playing Minor County cricket for Dorset. As his playing career came towards a close, he concentrated more on coaching, which he still does today. In all a nostalgic afternoon covering two sports.



Jimmy Adams

Jimmy scored another 50 when he attracted 51 members and guests to his latest Society visit. The early part of the afternoon was spent in explaining how Hampshire had improved their performances during the last season, which culminated in them winning the Championship in their last match. In essence Jimmy explained how they decided to harden-up the team, demanding maximum effort from the first ball of day 1 to the last ball of day 4. In particular they turned down offers of manufactured results when rain took time out of games and opted instead to maximize bonus points. These proved to be crucial in the final analysis and it showed the team the determination to profit from every opportunity. Towards the end of the season when there were some disappointing batting collapses, someone put their hand up and came up with an important innings. Jimmy also went through the squad members and emphasized where their individual contributions had helped. There then followed a lengthy question and answer session, with Jimmy not afraid to give forthright answers to some probing questions, particularly on the subject of squad players who had been released. I am sure we all wish Jimmy and the county a very successful season in 2015.




Alan Edwards

This afternoon's meeting commenced with the stories of Colin Blythe and A.E.J. Collins - two of the most notable of the cricketing casualties of the First World War. This was appropriately followed by a two minute silence.
The main part of the meeting consisted of a talk by DCS member, Alan Edwards, who provided a fascinating study of all the eleven players who took the field for Hampshire's initial county match in 1864. It was clear that they were a colourful bunch who experienced contrasting fortunes and were hardly paragons of virtue. Alan skillfully sketched in the background against which they performed, to such an extent that we all felt that we had been transported back some 150 years in time. Alan's obvious passion for and knowledge of his subject combined to produce a most enjoyable afternoon for the 29 members present.




Isabelle Duncan

It soon became apparent to an appreciative audience that there was no one better qualified than our guest speaker, Isabelle Duncan, to talk about the world of Women's Cricket. Isabelle provided us with a highly entertaining and informative afternoon as she covered the history of women's cricket around the world, some of the 'superstars' of the game and how women have become an integral part of the MCC. We were completely stumped by a question that she threw at us - Who was the first cricketer to score a century, take a hat-trick and claim ten wickets all in the same match? Answer - Betty Wilson of Australia. We were further enlightened as to the real meaning of the term - manhole cover and some of the workings of the Disciplinary Committee of the MCC. Isabelle dealt with a wide array of questions with her customary aplomb and wit. A most enjoyable afternoon was rounded off with many of those attending the meeting snapping up signed copies of Isabelle's book - Skirting the Boundary.




Richard Isaacs

Richard is the son of former Hampshire Scorer Vic Isaacs and ODI scorer for Sky Sports. In a fascinating talk, he explained how he had been recruited to Sky Sports following a 13 year stint at HMRC. His job entails scoring games, ball by ball, in traditional paper & pen style, while simultaneously researching statistics to put in front of the commentators for their use, if they choose to do so! Richard regaled us with a few tales from the commentary box, where he works generally unseen and unheard. He explained that although he was able to research many facts in advance of a game, some incidents or innings are so unexpected that they have to be done 'on the hoof'. The recent world record ODI score of 264 by Rohit Sharma was a classic example. He should have been out for 4, but finished up annihilating the record for the highest score in an international ODI. By the end of the afternoon members had a much greater appreciation of what goes into a modern sports broadcast. Many thanks Richard!




The meeting commenced with a one minute silence in memory of Phillip Hughes, whose death had been announced in Australia that morning. The meeting was advertised as an afternoon of rich nostalgia and members were certainly not disappointed as memories of this much loved ground came thick and fast. Graham Jones set the scene for us with his compilation of film clips which brought to life some of the great players who have graced the ground. Tales from various standpoints - first class cricketer (Alan Rayment), club cricketers, scorecard sellers, caterers and spectators delighted the audience until close of play at 3:30. A most enjoyable afternoon thanks to the contributions from many of the members.




Nigel Gray

Members and guests were well entertained by Nigel Gray, the Head Groundsman at the Ageas Bowl. In his very modest manner he shed considerable light on the art of groundsmanship at a major cricket ground.It was a real eye opener as Nigel explained the amount of planning that is necessary in allocating matches to pitches right across the square. International matches are notified well in advance but limited overs knockout matches had to be arranged at very short notice. The demands of TV broadcasters were paramount in the planning process and it became clear that when the hotel (behind the bowler's arm at the Northern End) is up and running a further set of problems will emerge. A full explanation of the umpires marking and reporting system was provided in the Q&A session. Members were unanimous in drawing two conclusions: firstly that Nigel was a very worthy winner of the County Championship Groundsman of the Year for 2014 and that he has been instrumental in establishing the Ageas Bowl as a major international arena.



Patrick Ferriday

Patrick Ferriday, making a very welcome return to the DCS, based his talk on his recent book - Masterly Batting. It attempts to rank, in order of merit, the top one hundred test centuries of all time. Those present were captivated by Patrick's explanation of the methodology used.The criteria employed and the weighting given to each were statistically based with no room for sentiment in the final judgment. It was made clear that this exercise was concerned with great innings, as opposed to great batsmen. This approach, unsurprisingly, threw up some surprises - not least the omission of both Jack Hobbs and Denis Compton from the book. This naturally meant that a lively exchange of views concluded a most enjoyable, informative and thought provoking afternoon.




Xmas Lunch

The afternoon commenced with the traditional Christmas Buffet Lunch. This was a most enjoyable event thanks to the generous contributions from the members. The thirty trenchermen present made a gallant effort to clear all the food provided, but even they were unequal to the task. Lunch was followed by a slide presentation from Richard Mockridge of his round-Dorset walk. It admirably portrayed the county at its beautiful best. This was followed by film tributes to two Hampshire (and world) greats - Barry Richards and Malcolm Marshall.
2015 Jan


New Year's Lunch

The season resumed with our 5th annual Ladies Lunch. As usual we were catered for by the excellent staff at Canford Magna Golf Club and after a most enjoyable meal, Derek Hopkins led a fundraiser for Motor Neuron Disease and organizer David Hain completed proceedings with a free raffle. Many thanks to all those who contributed to an excellent afternoon.




Andy Collier

36 members counted themselves fortunate indeed to hear a talk from Andy Collier of the Cotswold Cricket Museum. Andy described how he had built up a most impressive collection of cricket memorabilia over the years. Donations, e-bay, auctions and individual deals have all yielded a rich harvest but not always without problems. Andy explained that establishing the provenance of certain articles was not always an easy matter. His passion for, and knowledge of, the game shone through his presentation and left members green with envy and in awe of what he has achieved. The number and breadth of questions demonstrated that we had all enjoyed a most interesting and entertaining afternoon.



Mike Nurton

33 members enjoyed a literally magical afternoon as they heard Mike Nurton relate the story of his life in cricket. Mike commenced by telling us how he first became interested in cricket, citing the importance of parental encouragement - a factor that he feels is now less prevalent than formerly. He described his progression through school and club cricket to his long and distinguished career in Minor Counties cricket for Oxfordshire. Numerous stories followed concerning both Minor Counties and first class players that he had played with or against. The one player that stood out for Mike, on account of his brilliant strokeplay, was Alvin Kallicharran. Mike's extensive playing and coaching experience (he still coaches at Sherborne School) enabled him to put the many changes he had seen in the game into context. The afternoon concluded with Mike performing some of his magic tricks - surely a first for the society. Now we know why his autobiography was entitled, 'Conjuring Runs'.



Richard Scott

Richard Scott, the head coach of Middlesex, cast a penetrating light into the modern world of coaching. His pre-season preparations were well under way despite only 8 players out of a squad of 25 being currently in this country. He was determined that his array of specialist coaches, including Jack Russell, an emphasis on white-ball skills and a pre-season trip to Abu Dhabi would ensure that the Middlesex team would be hitting the ground running in early April. All of this was in stark contrast to the regime that generally pertained only twenty years ago. Richard outlined his coaching culture and demonstrated that there was scope for different coaches to have their own approaches and strengths. He then highlighted the advantages of playing at Lords (excellent catering) and the disadvantages (restrictions on practice on the main ground outfield). In his opinion the gulf between Division 1 & 2 of the County Championship had increasingly widened as the best players gravitated to the top division. The intensity of play and squad depth were other factors that promoted sides had to contend with. A new DCS record was surely established in terms of the number of questions that were asked, all of which were admirably handled by Richard. It was clearly evident that Richard had high expectations of his players, both on and off the field and that the future of Middlesex cricket could not be in better hands.




Chris Finch

Chris Finch, the Society's Chairman, delivered part three of his study of Kent and Hampshire heroes, covering the period 1900 to 1969. After a brief discussion concerning which players from the post-1969 era could be described as characters or personalities the real presentation commenced. Owing to the high degree of audience participation (38 members and guests were present, many of whom added greatly to the enjoyment of the afternoon by readily sharing their memories) only six players, three from each side, were reviewed before tea and biscuits beckoned. The players who were put under the spotlight were Doug Wright, Tich Freeman, Tony Pawson, Peter Sainsbury, Roy Marshall and Derek Shackleton.




Grahame Lloyd

Grahame Lloyd, the author of 'Six Sixes' and 'Howzat', kept a sizable crowd enthralled with his fascinating story of what happened to the ball, or more accurately the ball masquerading as the real ball, that Garry Sobers hit for six sixes in one over at Swansea in 1968. Grahame patiently and entertainingly explained that a Stuart Surridge ball used in the over in question was the real ball and that the Dukes ball auctioned at Christies in 2006 for £26400 was not. His dogged persistence in pursuit of the truth of the matter was greatly admired as was his use of film, recorded interview, poetry and singsong. A most enjoyable afternoon which demonstrated the extent to which the cultural boundaries of the society have been extended.



Les Loader

Les Loader’s remarkable career in cricket started in 1948 and he has just completed his 66th year of playing. He did his national service in the RAF and chose to sign-up for three years. This greatly enhanced his playing career, as he traveled more and tended to be posted to parts of the Empire where cricket reigned supreme, such as Aden, Egypt, Kenya, Sri Lanka & Pakistan. This gave him a great insight into playing in different conditions and against foreign players with their particular skills. After military service he worked and played for the British Transport Commission, with many representative matches. In 1968 he moved to Bournemouth and played for Bournemouth Amateurs for the next 10 years.Work then took him abroad to Holland where Barry Richards had just been employed to run the Dutch Leagues. When he returned to England he joined The Moat club in Kent. This was almost the Kent 2nd XI, though subscriptions were £75 a year, this being the late 70’s! In more recent times he has become a regular for the Forty Club, as well as playing representative cricket for Dorset Over 50’s and various over 60 and 70 sides!! The very thought of it gave most of us listening a few twinges. He is in training for his 67th season and adding to his 2000+ wickets. There followed a very comprehensive questions and answer session.



Steve Fletcher

A crowd of forty six members and guests were hugely appreciative of a visit from the AFC Bournemouth legend - Steve Fletcher. In an interview ably conducted by Ian Henderson, Steve started by talking about his current job as Head of UK recruitment. This was a demanding role involving a huge amount of travel and much report compiling. In the search for new players it was not only playing ability that mattered but also a person's character and motivation. It was clear that AFCB expected high standards of its players both on and off the pitch.This distinct philosophy combined with the fact that many of the key off-field staff had played for the Cherries meant that there was a strong feeling of love for and loyalty to the club. In short we had a local club that we should take great pride in. Among other topics covered were the potential to expand the ground's capacity, the team's recent form and the current standard of refereeing. Steve concluded by touching on his own playing career from his early days at Hartlepool. He was not just a goalscorer but will also be fondly remembered as a most effective 'target man'. A memorable afternoon spent in the presence of a giant of the game whose appetite and love for the game remains undiminished.





The annual 'Bring an Item' afternoon yet again produced a veritable cornucopia of sporting memorabilia. Fears that the supply of such items might be drying up proved groundless as football and tennis as well as cricket were well represented. There was variety in abundance as scorecards, photographs, programmes, tickets, cartoons, autographs, bats and many other items were displayed in quick succession. A most entertaining afternoon, rich in nostalgia, as members displayed the humour and expertise for which the Dorset Cricket Society is renowned.



Barry Dudleston

Barry Dudleston entertained a bumper crowd of 46 members and guests to one of the undoubted highlights of the season. Drawing widely on his 49 year association with the game as a player, umpire and ICC advisor he commented knowledgeably and entertainingly on many of the developments in the game that had taken place over this period. Barry described the evolution of limited-overs cricket and expressed his concern that, as evidenced by the current World Cup, the bat had become too dominant. He felt that England's disappointing performance was due to an absence of great players. He rated Amla, Sangakarra and de Villiers as being outstanding players in all formats of the game with the last named being not only a superlative all-round sportsman but also a most modest individual. Some of the notable characters that he had encountered such as Tony Lock, Ray Illingworth, KP, Arthur Jepson, Nasser Hussain and inevitably Fred Trueman were described in an engagingly amusing and perceptive way. One of the abiding features of a memorable afternoon was the importance of humour in our enjoyment of cricket.



In keeping with the society's tradition, the members provided a mouth watering buffet lunch, which they promptly demolished with great relish. Having been thus fortified, the members then congregated for the AGM. This was a lengthier affair than usual. Both the President and Chairman reported on a very good year for the society - a state of affairs which was reinforced in reports from the Social Secretary and Treasurer. Some of the issues and challenges facing the society were discussed at great length. Two decisions were made - firstly the current level of subscriptions and weekly charges would remain unchanged for 2015/16. It was also decided that in future all meetings would commence at 1:45 pm.


Derek Hopkins

The season ended with a Derek Hopkins quiz, as 29 members gathered for the final time until October 1st. A photo quiz that included a wicketkeeper upside down as he attempted a run-out were amongst the puzzles that Derek had conjured up. When the groans subsided as the answers were revealed, the end of season cream tea materialised to send members off to the various cricket grounds in the region, with a special plea to support cricket at Dean Park.

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Last revised 31st March 2015
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